Butt Sex in the Unemployment Line
Unlike the estimable Cardinal Fang, I've tried to steer largely clear of the Washingtonienne controversy, but I will admit being more than passingly curious as to what this modern-day Christine Keeler might actually look like. Well, color me disappointed.
For those not in the know, "Washingtonienne" is the nom de plume of a Capitol Hill staff assistant who blogged her anal-sex-for-cash proclivities into Congressional superstardom and a sphincter-colored termination slip over the past few weeks. Speculation as to her identity has been all the buzz on the Hill of late, but she has at last been outed, complete with picture, as Syracuse University alumna Jessica Cutler.
The jury is still out as to whether she is the smartest or dumbest person ever to work on Capitol Hill (that will depend on the value of the book deal, personal appearance contracts, celebrity butt-plug endorsements, etc., that are sure to follow), but I must say how disappointed I am. I guess after reading her oh-so-juicy postings, I was just expecting something, I dunno, a little more Legally Blonde and a little less Sarah, Plain and Tall. Can you blame me?
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